Learn to sing
for people with a mind of their own

This website is all about how to „learn to sing“ for people with a mind and an opinion of their own. And when you’re learning to sing, your head actually is more important than your larynx, even if some popular tenor jokes would suggest the opposite!

„You don’t need a teacher who influences you. You need a teacher who teaches you to not let yourself be influenced any more.“
(Dalai Lama)

A slave to your singing teacher?

Is that you?

Do you recognize yourself in one of the following statements?

  • You have been running to your singing teacher for months or even years, but your progress is disappointing?
  • You regard your singing teacher as a demigod or guru and hang on his every word like a paralyzed sectarian bozo?
  • For all that “Maestro” here and “Maestro” there, you soon can’t even remember what you want and what you like?

Wake up!

It’s time to grow up! You are an artist and you can decide for yourself how you make music.
I took this route alone too – most voice teachers were more of a hindrance to me than you can imagine! (Although I did meet just a couple of good ones too.)


Before you disappear back into the depths of the Internet (a mouse click takes less than one second), make sure you will be able to find this site again!

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The problem we singers face

As singers, we have the problem that we can’t hear ourselves properly when we sing, because the voice is located within us.

Fortunately, modern technology offers us the opportunity to hear ourselves from the outside. That was the only way I could learn to sing, since I never got anything out of singing teachers.

If you want to be independent, watch my video course „recording vocals professionally„!

More Informationen about the Course!