
Learning to sing – Things to consider
Learning to sing = learning an instrument?
Learning to sing is just as easy as learning an instrument – that’s what some people say. But some would ask sceptically,„Can singing be learnt?”.
While others ask „How do you learn to sing?“ and „Can anyone sing well?“ or „How do you sing well?“
These are all questions that are not so easy to answer, but I will try:

My experience
During my long singing career, I have really experienced everything:
Singers with great voices who unfortunately never managed to hit a note, highly musical singers with tragically inadequate vocal techniques or poor vocal material, people obsessed with becoming professional singers, who spent tens of thousands of Euros on voice training and singing lessons but still never understood what singing actually is, and will never learn to sing.
Winners who lose – losers who win
Promising young singers who are today practicing a different profession because they simply did not manage to get a foot on the ladder, but also young people who were told that they would never learn to sing and should take up a „decent“ profession – but who are today professional singers. Like me, for instance. ;-))
You see – it’s a tricky field! I can tell you only one thing for certain: The more you know about singing, the longer you occupy yourself with it, all the while keeping a clear head, the greater the probability that you will actually learn it in the end!
Pointless voice training, doing vocal exercises without a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve, “training the head voice” or „singing with support,” without even knowing what it’s all supposed to mean; at best, all of that will stagnate your progress, and at worst, it will cause your singing to deteriorate!

Learn to sing – An overview (infographic)
So let’s start over again
Can anyone learn to sing?
Yes, anybody can – if they have musical, linguistic and vocal talent, and go about it properly!
How do you learn to sing?
This varies individually and depends on what you can do already, what you still have to learn, and what exactly you want to achieve. For example, whether you want to sing opera, jazz or pop. (Or everything, like me!)
Can anyone sing well?
No, of course not, but that’s actually the wrong question! The real question is: “Can anybody learn to sing“? This is my reply: Yes, but not everyone can learn to sing to a professional level, as some people’s talent is affected by serious limitations that I would compare with dyslexia or dyscalculia.
These limitations are mostly musical in nature and pertain to the sense of rhythm or pitch. This means that the people in question either can’t hold a rhythm or can’t hit a single note – sometimes even both.
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How did I learn to sing?
To be honest, I never really got on with singing teachers. Whereas most of my colleagues at the opera studied singing, I took a different approach: I continued working as normal and taught myself singing using audio recordings as a means of self-monitoring.
This method allowed me to become independent of the opinions of others, even singing teachers.
I have briefly summarized my experience of this method in my video course „Professionally recording vocals“..